Graphite testnet node setup
Make sure you have the latest docker installed. Make sure you have opened and not binded with other applications 8575/tcp, 30311/udp ports in order to communicated with node via rpc endpoint(8575) and also node can communicate with other nodes in network via p2p(30311). Websocket modules avialable at 8576 port. Also make sure you dont covered by nat or any other network stuff.
In order to run localy with docker you need to create folder for persist data inside container.
After creating folder you need to run init task to inject genesis and persist it. You can do it with following command:
Anonymous entrypoint node setup instructions
Now you can run your node. In order to do it use following command:
Keyed entrypoint node setup instructions
Prepare your public key for inject into entrypoint with flag --epaddr. In example we will be using 0x8D1Ee942A92645136c81271460fD7Ec5375B30cC address. Now you can run your node. In order to do it use following command:
Node rpc api is avaialable at
Usefull commands
You can check node sync proggress with following command. If sync is done you will sync done message if not you will see elapsed blocks:
To attach node logs:
To interact node with graphite js console use following command:
Last updated